Monday, May 13, 2019

The Current Tools for Diplomacy and Peacekeeping Coursework

The Current Tools for Diplomacy and Peacekeeping - Coursework ExampleThe focus has been on occasional trading operations involving peacemaking and humanitarian intervention instead of wars. In Africa, several peacekeeping bodies have been made such(prenominal) as African Unions Peace and Security Council, working on conflict prevention and intervention diplomacy. Nearly half of the UN peacekeeping operations in Africa are in Sub-Saharan Africa, the objectives of which are to put forward stability in several regions of Africa, to stop renewed violence in Congo and other such peacemaking objectives. The US presidential statement focused on dealing with the root causes of violence in Africa. It in addition focused on the importance of structural and operational strategies for peacemaking in the region. It has been observed that Africa has fully supported the efforts of the UN in the promotion of peace and stability in the country through these diplomatic tools. The dominant powers h ave co-operated by providing security in exchange for resource supplements. Several peacemaking missions have already been completed such as those in Somalia, Rwanda, Liberia etc and several others are in process. TheUS has used mediation strategies such as those in Angola and Namibia agreements and other indirect mediation in Liberia etc. Equitable power balance has been promoted throughout Africa. interchange state power has also been reduced to give more autonomy to political groups and parties.The Rwandan genocide was unrivaled of the most devastating massacres of the world. Nearly 800,000 people were killed without any reason. The killing of these 800,000 people went unchallenged by the orbicular community as important decision makers ignored such a big massacre. The United Nations move a group of peacemakers for what seemed to be a plain and straightforward mission.

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